Justin Rinks

Thank you for connecting with me as your go to realtor, I look foward to serving you as a valued client. With Century 21 Afflilated, Rinks Realty, and myself promis to deliver both realistic and fantastic results to our clients. Assisting the majority of West Michigan we specalize in all sectors of the market. Look to us for help with all your real-estate needs from buying your first home, to selling commercial property, and everything (including investments, cottages, short-term rentals, Etc.) in between we have the connections and kown how to get it done. Schedual a consult today!
* After the client and agent affiliated with CENTURY 21® Real Estate LLC complete a transaction, the client may be asked to provide feedback to help the CENTURY 21® System and sales professionals continuously improve. The affiliated agent's Overall Rating is an average of all ratings the agent has received. The specific survey responses shown were selected by the agent and were authorized by the client for display purposes. Some customers who provided a testimonial may have received a Starbucks gift card from their CENTURY 21 Sales Professional as a thank you for completing the customer satisfaction survey.

Grand Rapids Regional Office

2090 Celebration Drive NE, Suite 300
Grand Rapids MI 49525